Provisional Suspension of Player Tsz Wing “1mmeta1s” Kwok for Alleged Code of Conduct Violations

選手1mmeta1s 郭子穎因涉嫌違反行為準則而被臨時禁賽

與已在2025年2月5日所發布的公告有關,Riot Games已得知到另一位選手1mmeta1s 郭子穎於2024年,可能違反Riot Games全球電競行為準則第4.14條(造假行為或操控比賽)。

為了確保競賽的完整性與維護調查程序的公正性,我們暫時禁止此位選手參加Riot Games所認可的賽事,立即生效。實施臨時禁賽屬於標準程序,並不意味任何有罪推定。其目的是在徹底調查的同時保持競賽的完整性。




Provisional Suspension of Player Tsz Wing “1mmeta1s” Kwok for Alleged Code of Conduct Violations

In relation to the announcement previously made on 5th of February, 2025, Riot Games has been made aware of potential violations of Article 4.14 (Match-Fixing or Manipulation) of the Riot Games Esports Global Code of Conduct by an additional individual, Tsz Wing “1mmeta1s” Kwok.

To uphold the integrity of our competitions and ensure a fair investigative process, we have provisionally suspended the player from participating in Riot-sanctioned events, effective immediately. Imposing provisional suspensions is a standard procedure and does not imply any presumption of culpability. Its purpose is to maintain the integrity of the competition while a thorough investigation is conducted.

The individual has been informed of the allegations and the provisional measures in place. They will have the opportunity to present their statements before a final decision is reached.

As the process is ongoing, and in line with our commitment to due process and confidentiality, no further details will be provided at this stage.

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PROCEEDINGSFebruary 5, 2025

Provisional Suspension of Players Chun Hei Fong, Chi Ho Wong, Hau-Jie Kang, Chun Kit Fok, Wai Hei Fu, and Chan Chun Fung for Alleged Code of Conduct Violations